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November 2000

 Kumamoto: November 18 | 16:14



I went to a reggae bar last night called Nexus.  At 800 yen ( $10.00 Canadian) a pint you don't want to be drinking here all evening.  The bar is in Kimatori, the rough side of town - that's a local joke here because Japan is very safe.  They play old reggae and have a great chill out room.  Not that you have to chill out but its got the right idea.  

I have a full time teaching position at Washington Institute of Languages.  I am using a book called "All Talk Junior".  It has lots of great material for conversation teaching.  My first lessons consisted of using the "getting to know your teacher" exercise.  This exercise is a list of questions that they have to ask me like, what's my name and where do I come from.  They really seem interested in foreigners so Its fun for me.  

One of the questions is "What don't you like about Japan"?  I tell them that I don't like the price of fruit because its too expensive but to balance it out I tell them about our expensive taxes in Canada.  Here you only pay 5% income tax and 5% consumer tax.  But you do pay $1.50 for a cheap apple so I guess it all works out in the wash. Clothes are cheaper here though and accommodation is about the same as Vancouver.

Carmen is going away to Mt Aso tonight with her class on a camping trip.  Fall is a big thing here and everyone goes to Mt Aso to enjoy the many beautiful colors of the leaves.  You don't really get to see much variety of trees in Kumamoto but up in Mt Aso there is a good range of interesting trees, so I've been told.

I'd better get back to work.



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